Enhancing Research And Innovation Capacity Of TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute On Management Of Mycotoxigenic Fungi And Mycotoxins

Activity outputs info

Workshop 5 & Workshop 6

Workshop 5 on "Innovative strategies for the analysis of the mycotoxins in food and feed" and Workshop 6 on "Technological approaches for the management of mycotoxins in industry" were held at the University of Valencia in the from the 28 of June in 2023 to the 30 of June of 2023. During the “1st International Workshop of the Spanish network on mycotoxins, toxigenic fungi and their decontamination processes”. 

A total of 130 people attended the conferences in person at the university. In addition, 30 people more attended the conference via online. The workshop was sponsored by a total of 10 different national and international companies. This conference was organised among the projects MICOFOOD, with the objective of the network of excellence is to deepen risk assessment, improve quality and food safety, and ultimately protect and promote the health of the population, focusing on the study of different aspects related to toxigenic fungi and their mycotoxin metabolites at national level and in the MycoTWIN project, an EU-funded to bring together the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), the National Research Council of Italy and the University of Valencia of Spain.